This tri-tip is unbelievably juicy and easy to make. You can’t get easier than this recipe. Rub the meat with our Porterhouse and Roast Seasoning and grill or in the oven. This is wonderful during the summer on the grill or in the winter in the oven. Add some seasonal sides and you’ve got yourself an amazing dinner. Make enough for leftovers the next day!
Apply the seasoning liberally all over the meat. Let sit in the fridge if you have the time. Otherwise you can grill right away. I recommend leaving the meat out of the fridge for about an hour before you grill it. Preheat your grill to 425º. This cut of meat is best medium rare or medium. If you like your meat cooked well that is fine too.
Grill about 10 minutes per pound. Don’t forget your meat will have a carry over cooking time of about 5-10 minutes when you pull it off the grill..
For medium rare take it off the grill at 125-130ºF.
For medium take it off the grill at 135 -140ºF.
Be sure to let it rest.
Slice the meat against the grain.
Porterhouse & Roast
Porterhouse & Roast is our signature spice blend. A staple in many butcher shops. Sprinkle or shake it on almost anything! Use it on your roasts, steaks, burgers, chicken, veggies and potatoes. You will instantly be amazed by this seasoning. It is the perfect mix of the right spices.
*No gluten containing ingredients. However, this product is made in a facility that processes wheat.